Retaining competent counsel for serious felony cases is essential. Our firm represents clients confronting felony charges in counties across all of North Carolina. We have extensive jury trial experience, a first-rate reputation, and a successful track record to show for it.
Real Trial Experience
Many attorneys like to boast about having tried “hundreds” or “thousands” of cases. While the number of cases tried by a lawyer is important, this self-praise can also be misleading. The complexity, nature, and outcomes of those trials is much more significant. Our firm has successfully tried some of the most complex cases in modern North Carolina history.
Former Prosecutor
For eight years, Harkey prosecuted complex felony cases in over 60 North Carolina counties. He has worked with investigative agencies such as the FBI, Secret Service, Inspector General, Postal Inspector, SBI, Secretary of State, Department of Insurance, DMV, and many others. Harkey has tried dozens of cases in superior courtrooms across North Carolina.
Board Certified Specialist
In 2018, Harkey was certified by the North Carolina State Bar as a board-certified specialist in North Carolina Criminal Law. The North Carolina State Bar, an agency of the State of North Carolina, certifies attorneys as specialists in designated practice areas. This certification has been obtained by less 3.9% of North Carolina attorneys.
A felony is a crime which is punishable by imprisonment of one year or more. In North Carolina, felonies are distinguished by class depending on the seriousness of the felony offense.
Felonies are classified from class A to class I for felony sentencing purposes. A class A felony, first-degree murder, is the most severe and it is punishable by death or life without parole. On the other hand, class I felonies are the least severe form of felony punishment.
This depends on the type of felony conviction and the age of the offender. Generally, non-violent felony convictions are eligible for expunction after 10-years have elapsed. To learn more about expunctions, click here.
We recommend hiring a qualified attorney to handle your case. W. Scott Harkey is a board-certified specialist in North Carolina Criminal Law. A certification obtained by less than 3.9% of the attorneys in the State of North Carolina.